Experience How A Breakthrough In Behavioral Psychology Makes It DAMN Easy For Ambitious Copywriters To Make A Habit Of Their Most Vital Habit: Growing your skillset


Before we begin I'll shortly break the fourth wall to tell you exactly what's going to happen on this page.

This is not going to be thirty pages of long-form gibberish.

Instead you'll simply get to see a string of testimonial-backed claims that reveal:

  • An information product called "The Winning Copywriter's Habits", the likes of which you've never seen before...
  • Value WAAAAAY in excess of the price...
    (A so-called no-brainer)
  • An info product that actually delivers exactly as promised - Rare these days...
  • How "The Winning Copywriter's Habits" will benefit your life waaaaaay beyond just what the program initially offers...
  • Effective at building habits from the very first day...
  • The "workload" is a mere 3-4 minutes per day...
    (Which any ambitious copywriter wouldn't really call a "workload" with a straight face)
  • SO easy to do it'll be easier to do it, than to skip it (Which might be the first time you've ever felt that)...
  • A way to master copywriting while having so much fun you'll want to keep doing it after the program ends...
  • Clever psychological "before and after" trick that will blow your mind when it reveals how much of the language of persuasion you will have picked up... In just 8 short and easy days!
  • You'll even get to see how addictive the product ITSELF is... (9X more engaging than the average info product, in fact)

In other words:

You'll get a PILE of wild claims, immediately backed up with the testimonial that supports that claim.

All that just to prove to you that:

"The Winning Copywriter's Habits" is carefully and deliberately engineered to be SO easy to do...

SO much fun and...

SO Rewarding that...

once you start you'll have to FORCE yourself to stop

Then After You've Read What Other Pleased Clients Have To Say...

You'll simply be invited to claim your very own copy of "The Winning Copywriter's Habits".

Now that you know what's going to happen on this page, let's answer a pressing question you might have.

"Are you just trying to scam me out of a few measly bucks?"
-Your Inner voice

Good question!

To make certain this is worth your time you deserve to see the feedback the program is getting.

Here's what a fellow email marketer had to say:

"Unlike any info product I've ever seen [...] A no-brainer in terms of the value inside"

Here's Euan.
(Who bought a miniature version of the full program that you're getting access to, today)

When I asked how effective the program was for building habits he joked that not only did he feel "brainwashed" into doing his copy study mastery...

The momentum had even carried over to his daily to do list.

Which means...

The easy, less-than-3-minute exercises I reveal inside "The Winning Copywriter's Habits" not only helped Euan build the habit of mastering copywriting...

They extend to other parts of his life as well.

"...seriously... yes it works!"
"...it's been pushing me forwards!"

The reason this is so effective is because the tiny, daily, exercises that arrive in your email inbox are all DECEPTIVELY easy to do.

You'll feel almost SILLY if you skipped them.

In fact...

The included exercises take mere seconds to read and...

Only a few minutes to complete and afterwards...

You'll see copywriting in a clearer light...

You'll be more knowledgeable and...

You'll be able to write sales message that pull better than before.

Says Beau Schultz:

"HUGE kudos for making them easy to implement."

The reason this is so darned effective when it comes to building copywriting mastery habits is...

It's actually FUN and rewarding to do for once!

Every exercise has been carefully chosen to be SO small...

So simple...

So easy that you'll have a hard time ignoring them.

A popular and VERY expensive email training out there is well-known to demand almost an hour -or MORE- every single day.
(Which means that barely anyone actually completes it)

In Contrast...

"The Winning Copywriter's Habits" is deliberately designed to get you moving at maximum speed, with the minimal amount of effort.

Don't believe me?

Check out what James Harrison had to say:

"I'm having fun, I really like it. I can see myself doing this for... ever"

In fact, several customers tell me they felt the habit building immediately!

Something they've never experienced before.

"How can that be?", you might wonder.

Well, let me reveal...

The Applied Behavioral Psychology Breakthrough That Instantly Cements New Habits -Works From The Very First Lesson

To show you the power of this novel approach to making success behaviors automatic I have to introduce Beau Schultz.

Not only does he own a mastermind for marketers...

He's also worked with multi-millionaire real estate coaches in the past where he 7Xed the income from their email list.

And part of Beau's professional success is because he's consistently built better and better habits.

And YET!

The VERY FIRST EMAIL Beau got as part of this training showed him something he'd never seen before.

In other words:

In spite of years of studying habits...

In spite of beign a high-performing list manager for millionaire clients...

In spite of using every performance hack he can find...

The Applied Psychology "brain hack" that is revealed in the very first email of this training was still new to Beau.

Hint: It's a somewhat unusual "Body movement" that primes your brain to get absolutely OBSESSED with becoming world-class.

But it was IMMEDIATELY obvious to Beau that this body movement was worth doing for any habit!


Because you can FEEL it working immediately!

That's why I'm using it in this training, and...

That's why you WILL get addicted to becoming world class..


You'll see exactly what this "brain hack" when you get "The Winning Copywriter's Habits".
(In fact you could be mere seconds away from discovering it for yourself)

But it wasn't just Beau who caught on to the effectiveness of the first lesson

Euan did, too!

"I feel great"

The "Secret" Why You'll Make Solid, Predictable Progress Day After Day After Day...

For As Long As You Please

...Is because "The Winning Copywriter's Habits" takes a completely new approach that I've personally NEVER seen ANY other information product do.

And this irresistible pull that's been built into the program makes it feel almost like you're cheating.

Like it's not "supposed" to be this easy to build habits.


...90% Open Rates On This 20 Email Sequence Proves It!

The process simply WORKS.

(Hint: Most information products have only a 10% completion rate. This program is NINE times more likely to change your life that anything else you've bought so far)

The habit of becoming an absolute BANGER of a copywriter is now so natural, so easy, so simple to do that open rates across the entire 20 email sequence is almost 90%
(Standard open rates are close to just 25%)

And that's why you can count on this program to build ironclad habits for you: You will actually WANT to complete the exercises for once!

Please Note:

  • You can use "The Winning Copywriter's Habits" to build whatever habit you want - The program you're getting access to today focuses on building the habit of "Gittin Gud" at copy. But you can tweak it to build whatever behavior you want.

    In fact you're getting an lesson that shows you how to use this program to build ANY habit. No matter if you want to do lead gen, write daily emails, study copy, drink more water, go to bed at sensible times, do networking... ANYTHING.
  • I don't TEACH my way of writing copy
    (Lol, I'm not a megalomaniac you know?)

    Instead you'll discover how to learn from ANY giant in the industry. Whether you'd like to write like Gary Bencivenga, Clayton makepeace, Lukas Resheske, Eugene Schwartz, Chris Haddad, or Kyle Milligan. You can pick up the persuasive power of WHOMEVER you want - Without paying the usual $2997, $497, or $97 for the privilege.
    (In fact this program is only $18)
  • No overwhelm, no boring theory, nothing that goes over your head - Just insights and exercises that are SO easy to do they almost feel like cheating...
  • Every lesson is delivered via a simple, short daily email for 20 days...
  • Every email is clearly marked as part of this training so you won't overlook it in your inbox...

At the end of "The Winning Copywriter's Habits" program you'll have actual real-life experience with...

  • How to build habits (ANY habit)... Easily. INSTANTLY.
  • Visual PROOF you can use in your marketing, lead gen, for your own sales letter, your own email list, prospecting for your freelance biz... etc
  • Confidence that you are entirely in control of your life and daily activities, knowing that you are able to put your success behaviors on autopilot - giving you confidence that you WILL reach your goals.
  • Confidence that you are seriously addicted to acquiring money-generating skills...
  • Confidence that whatever behavior you want to implement in your life - you'll know how to make it happen...
  • Confidence in your abilities to sell with your writing...
  • Confidence that you CAN actually pick up the persuasion tricks from the world's foremost copywriters...

"...amazing copywriting habit building course"


There is a cute little surprise at the end of the 20 day email training that's gotten a LOT of people to send fanmail...

Thanking me for the opportunity to get this program.

What You're REALLY Getting Here

Is the tools that'll build ANY habit you want.

But in order to make the ideas relatable and actionable to you, you're getting a training that will help you build the most vital skill for copywriters: The Skill Of Copy Mastery.

Not just theory.

But actual exercises that are easy to do that will SHOW YOU how habits actually get built.

But The BIGGEST Takeaway...

...Is that this program shows you the world's most important skill when it comes to success:

The skill of showing up!

The skill of showing up without wearing yourself to a nub.

The skill of consistency without all the hard-nosed "you-must-suffer-to-succeed" BS you see everywhere.

In fact, the overwhelmingly positive responses to this seemingly-too-easy-to-do training proves that it's time for freelancers to use the easy way to success rather than relying on the endless grind.

That's the real value.

That's the gift that will keep on giving for the rest of your life.

The ability to make your life easy for once.

That's the skillset that will leave clients astonished by your skills, and your competitors wondering why you're doing everything so effortlessly.

Because your success will now run on AUTOPILOT

Says Richard B:

"...you made it fun and digestible to [...] keep up the habit of showing up daily"

While Euan had THIS to say:

"I feel like every course should have the tiny methods ramp up [...] It's such a great way to build the habit of showing up."

Become Addicted To Becoming A Kickass Copywriter In Less Than 3 Weeks...

...with MINIMAL daily time investment.
(Think 3-4 minutes per day)

I don't know if 18 dollars is waaaaaaaay more money than you could possibly spare to experience all of this for yourself...
(So you could be the one writing enthusiastic testimonials because this program overdelivered for you, too)

... just be aware that ALL the testimonials on this page are just from my 10 person beta-launch...
(Have you ever seen an info product that was so effective it got testimonials from more than 50% of users?)

I just want to let you know that...

...if you're ready to experience an info product that actually delivers on its promise for once, and...

...if you see how taking full control of your habits will help success become automatic for you...

...then click the button below.

The program gets delivered via daily email, which means you'll have experienced your first success with this program a few minutes from now!

(Please remember to open the very first email with the subject line "YES, YES, YES". It'll reveal everything.)

And so...

The only thing left, is to invite you.

Would you like to take advantage of this opportunity?